
Archive for February, 2011

The trick to that phrase is figuring out those words, here are my words.

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So recently I was shown a few songs that are sang by an artist most of us know of. Justin Bieber, I have never been a fan before now. I realized he seems to have a good heart. Two of his songs are good. The rest of them need work, the lyrics ruin them. The way he speaks of love and such just doesn’t appeal to me in those songs. When I heard one of the songs that I actually approve of I really liked it, I like it so much that I hit the replay button over and over again for about an hour straight. It spoke of hope and the good things behind all the pain. I eventually started to really like this guy. Then about thirty minutes ago I realized I was getting sucked back into the world. I know that just listening to the good songs aren’t bad but eventually I noticed that I would start to listen to the not so good ones and by that I realized how the world is a vacuum. It catches something it likes and sucks it into its little realm of evilness. I see people every day who don’t believe the same way I do. That is why it is so important to keep my light shinning in the right direction, it’s easy to get sucked up into the un-Godly things in life but we must be careful. We are all human that is why God is there to forgive us but we still have to be set apart from the world.

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Today was a good day, I was satisfied in many things today. Satisfaction makes the heart feel happy. I also had thoughts of how many things we encounter in everyday life that does not satisfy our souls. Death for instance, well I have come to realize that throughout the death we face every day we must keep living, our lives are more precious than we are taught to believe. So live and be happy, it’s a good feeling to be satisfied.

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Stand in the rain~

Today was a day I would have loved to floated off into the ocean but instead I decided to take a breath and tell myself it would be okay. Sometimes you just need to believe that you will make it through the day, and don’t be afraid to stand in the rain.

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Un-ending Love~

Throughout these past few weeks I’ve realized that people can be very disrespectful towards others even though those certain people may have done nothing to them. I see this happen all day almost everyday, it’s not something I enjoy watching or even hearing. It made me reflect on how I act and when I have those “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days” I realized that most people who act disrespectful are usually having a bad day. So then I ask myself when I have those days does that give me the right to act that way toward those innocent people who have done nothing? My answer is no, it does not. I don’t think it gives anyone the right to do that, but we all do. I keep having these thoughts of kindness and how to be nicer.
In conclusion I realized that when we have those bad days we need to realize that there is other ways to express your feelings rather than being disrespectful and using unkind words. Also that when we notice someone else is doing that, instead of saying “Oh she is in a bad mood, stay away from her” we should go up to that person and ask if they want to talk about it or even just give some encouraging words. If they say that they would rather not talk about it just make sure they know you are willing to listen if they need to blow some steam. We all have our best friends we do that with but how many times do we ask someone we rarely talk to if they want to talk about their problems? I don’t honestly know that we do. If you do well kudos to you, I need to work on it. It is an act of caring and it shows that you are not just all about you and your friends but that you also care about everyone else as well.
~Love never ends and this is a way to show the love.

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