
Archive for April, 2015


Wow, it has been so long since I have written anything on this blog. I’ve forgotten how therapeutic blogging can be. I know by reading through a few of my previous writings that my feelings on a daily or weekly basis have not changed all that much. There is so much I feel I should say through my writing but I think part of the reason I ended up taking a break is because my thoughts and emotions got to be so overwhelming and confusing that I could not put them into  words. Recently I’ve been considering getting back into writing my emotions out, just because everyone, including myself needs an outlet. Many people use sports, or counseling, but I am making the choice to use this as my outlet. I’m not sure how many people actually read this blog and truthfully I don’t care. Like I said earlier this serves as an outlet for me and that’s it. I love having this oppurtunity to sit here and write my thoughts, because I know there are so many people going through situations and either have not found an acceptable outlet or are not sure how to have one. Something I’ve been thinking about lately is how many blessings I take for granted, yes I said I, not we, us, people, society, or America. This blog is about me myself and my struggles/blessings, so that’s what I want to continue writing about. There is a song that I’m listening to currently and it is called “What I’ve Overcome” by Fireflight. I love this band, just because they are so empowering and uplifting for someone going through anything, and for some reason they’ve always been a light into any of my dark times. If you have never listened to them I highly recomend them, yes they are a christain rock band but still encouraging. So as this is just my little intro back into this world of blogging I will probably be blogging some of my recent thoughts here soon.
“If only you could see me yesterday, who I used to be before the change, you’d see the broken heart, you’d see the battle scars.”

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