
Archive for the ‘shinning a light’ Category

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We can’t be sure when it will subside~

There’s all this unsaid stuff, it clogs up the pores of life.  It makes situations awkward and unbearable sometimes. I hate not talking but evermore sometimes talking is to much to handle. So what do we do then, at that moment when you’re stuck in the awkward spot but not willing or ready to talk about the problem? We breathe, take a step back and think about the actions we are about to take, ask our selves if walking away is better than sticking through the awkard moment and just letting that person know that you are there and that is all you can do right now. It’s a very hard thing to do but when you do it eventually there will become results.
The thing is everyone has all these emotions, love, hate, anger, happiness, joy,disbelief..etc. But noone knows what to do with them or where to put them. Do we express our ever most feelings even if it means hurting one person but also it could mean helping another? What is a person to do. Well in reality anyone can tell you that expressing an emotion will open someone or something up, maybe it will upset someone, or maybe because you told someone you could end up in a relationship which could end up in marriage. All these emotions can affect our world so much I think that is why nobody knows how, when, or where to express them. The truth to that is, ultimately there is not “right” time for anything. So the best way to deal with these crazy emotions is to let them out and tell someone, whether that be person to person, blogging, singing, or what ever you find that works when it comes to expressing yourself. My point in all this, is our society is shy and lazy. We hide behind excuses and reasons why to not do something, it’s time to step up and let our emotions be heard.
Over all love is louder than the pressure to be perfect, so stop trying to act like everyone else. Be you.
Have a lovely evening.~

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So recently I was shown a few songs that are sang by an artist most of us know of. Justin Bieber, I have never been a fan before now. I realized he seems to have a good heart. Two of his songs are good. The rest of them need work, the lyrics ruin them. The way he speaks of love and such just doesn’t appeal to me in those songs. When I heard one of the songs that I actually approve of I really liked it, I like it so much that I hit the replay button over and over again for about an hour straight. It spoke of hope and the good things behind all the pain. I eventually started to really like this guy. Then about thirty minutes ago I realized I was getting sucked back into the world. I know that just listening to the good songs aren’t bad but eventually I noticed that I would start to listen to the not so good ones and by that I realized how the world is a vacuum. It catches something it likes and sucks it into its little realm of evilness. I see people every day who don’t believe the same way I do. That is why it is so important to keep my light shinning in the right direction, it’s easy to get sucked up into the un-Godly things in life but we must be careful. We are all human that is why God is there to forgive us but we still have to be set apart from the world.

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